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Meets minimum placement score
English For Academic Purposes
Grammar & Composition, Phonetics/Communication, Reading Comprehension
Does not meet minimum placement score
Intensive English Program
Core English (speaking, listening comprehension, reading, and writing), Conversation & Accent, TOEFL Test Preparation, Business English, Legal English, Medical English, and College Preparation Courses
Continuing Education
Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced English, Let's Talk, TOEFL Test Prep. and Accent
Corporate & Customized
Intensive English Program
Core English (speaking, listening comprehension, reading, and writing), Conversation & Accent, TOEFL Test Preparation, Business English, Legal English, Medical English, and College Preparation Courses
Continuing Education, English Language Program
Continuing Education
Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced English Program Levels
Corporate & Customized English Programs
Project Renew
English Program for Asylees and Refugees
I need to develop my English skills for college or university-level coursework.
EAP courses offer English learners the opportunity to improve their language skills in order to prepare for college-level coursework, transfer to a university, or work in a professional career.
Who should I contact?
EAP Program
North Campus: 954-201-2385
Central Campus: 954-201-6558
South Campus: 954-201-8904/8241
International Student Applicants (F-1 Visa):
I need to develop my English skills in order to enhance my professional, personal and academic performance.
The IEP is for students at any level who wish to improve their English language skills with an emphasis on Core English, Conversation and Accent Reduction, TOEFL Test Preparation, Business English, Legal English, Medical English, and College Preparation Courses
Who should I contact?
Intensive English Program:
International Student Admissions:
Fort Lauderdale | Weston
TOEFL Testing Center Information: 954-577-9955
TOEFL Test Registration
I am not seeking college credit for a course. I am seeking to develop my English skills for personal/professional enrichment or to learn English for the first time. The Continuing Education, English Language Program is ideal for anyone seeking to improve their English language skills for personal communication and/or professional advancement.
Non-Intensive English Language Program
Who should I contact?
Continuing Education, English Language Program:
All campuses:
I am legally a refugee, asylee, or permanent resident who adjusted from a prior status of refugee or asylee.
This comprehensive program offers ESOL classes for eligible refugees, asylees, and victims of human trafficking living in Broward County.
Who should I contact?
Project RENEW:
If you want English for college/university, view the EAP Program. If you want short-term, or have a low level of English proficiency, intensive English, view the Intensive English Program. If you want English for fun, travel, or personal enrichment, view Continuing Education, English Language Program.
If you are a refugee or have asylum status, view the Project RENEW Program.
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