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You may request a reconsideration of your financial aid through the process known as Professional Judgment
If you experienced a significant change in your household financial situation and want to apply for re-evaluation, please follow the steps below:
Change to Expected Family Contribution (EFC) | Change to Cost of Attendance (COA) |
Loss or reduction of employment/earnings The loss or reduction must be significant and sustained. Minor reductions or losses for short periods of time are unlikely to result in any change in the re-evaluation |
Costs associated with childcare expenses for a dependent child of the student |
Child support or alimony reduction or loss | Costs associated with a student's disability |
Divorce or separation of parents or spouse | One-time purchase of a computer for educational use |
Death of parent or spouse | One-time costs of professional licensure required for student's major |
Excessive out-of-pocket medical expenses that exceed 11% of the household's Adjusted Gross Income | A change to the COA does not result in a change for need-based awards, and only increases room for loan eligibility |
One-time taxable income (IRA disbursement, pension distribution, etc.) |
Please check your Broward College student email for communication informing you that additional information is required.
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