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Prior Learning Assessment is not available during the Summer term. Deadline to submit your application will follow Session 4 (Fall and Spring) academic calendar based on the last day to add a class.
The Prior Learning Assessment (PLA) Program, developed primarily for working adults, is designed to recognize the academic value of what students have learned through experiences outside the college classroom. Prior Learning Assessment allows students to demonstrate competencies through the knowledge and skills obtained from multiple venues, including:
The deadline to submit your application for the Fall 2024-1 term is October 18, 2023.
The deadline to submit your application for Spring 2024-2 term is March 16, 2024.
Prior Learning Assessment is not available during Summer.
Course ID | Course Name | Course Description | Credits | College Saving |
AER2948 | Cooperative Education | On-the-job training at an automobile dealership. Each of the eight-week apprentice work experiences will cover one term and includes a work week from 32-40 hours in a supervised program at the dealership. | 3 | $353.70 |
AER2949 | Cooperative Education | On-the-job training at an automobile dealership. Each of the eight-week apprentice work experiences will cover one term and includes a work week from 32 to 40 hours in a supervised program at the dealership. | 3 | $353.70 |
AVM1940 | Airport Operations Internship I | Practical application of acquired knowledge at a certificated airport. Students are exposed to airside-related environments including airfield inspections; security inspections and enforcement; air traffic control system; navigational aids; airspace inspections & familiarizations; wildlife issues; environmental impacts; landside issues such as parking management, ground transportation systems; operational contract administration; revenue control systems; equipment monitoring; and bus operations; terminal building operations including, physical building inspections, passenger services, passenger flow characteristics; tenant and contractual lease requirements; safety and security of passenger terminals. The student is introduced to airport maintenance programs and systems as well as the general aviation environment. Requires special application and criminal background check. Prerequisite: instructor's permission or | 3 | $353.70 |
AVM2941 | Airport Operations Internship II | Practical application of acquired knowledge at a certificated airport. The student will be exposed to the finance, business, legal, and public relations aspects of Airport Management. The intern will: gain experience in the collection of rents and allocation of monies in airport operation. receive knowledge on how grant money is applied for and received as well as the business aspect of leasehold compliance; exposure to the legal aspects of airport operation, including compliance with federal and state laws, liability claims, and procedures. Exposure to Airport Planning, Airport Master Plan, construction and refurbishment of airport facilities, airport layout plan, and airspace studies. Work with airport public relations and marketing personnel on communicating with media and marking the airport as a business enterprise toward potential airlines and tenants. Requires special application and criminal background check. Prerequisite: instructor's permission or | 3 | $353.70 |
BCN1210 | Construction Materials | Introduction to construction materials covering the evaluation of construction materials, functional applications, and code requirements in the use of wood, masonry, concrete and steel framing, door, window, and roofing assemblies, and wall, floor, and ceiling finishes. | 4 | $471.60 |
BCN1272 | Building Construction Plans Interpretation | This course is designed to provide an overview of construction documents and to develop the student’s ability to quickly interpret working drawings. Emphasis is on surveys, architectural, and structural drawings. | 2 | $235.80 |
BCN2253C | Building Construction Drawing | Principles and practices of computer-aided drafting (CAD) employed in the construction industry. | 4 | $471.60 |
BCN2560 | Mechanical And Electrical Systems | Fundamentals of heating, air conditioning, water supply, sanitation, and electrical service and their installation along with equipment and controls with a focus on Florida Building Code requirements. Sustainability standards and their role in the construction process will be discussed. |
3 | $353.70 |
BCN2721C | Building Construction Supervision | Examines Techniques Of Supervision And Management Of Skilled And Unskilled Personnel On The Job Site, Office Personnel, And Technical And Professional Individuals Include Problems Of Delegation Of Authority, And Safety Regulations. | 3 | $353.70 |
BCT 2771 | Building Construction Advanced Estimating | Estimating more advanced elements of building construction. Students will learn to calculate direct, indirect, and overhead costs, as well as prepare bid proposals and related documents for commercial buildings. | 3 | $353.70 |
BCT1706 | Construction Documents | This is designed to familiarize students with documents used in the construction industry, facets of the construction process, contractual relationships, the relationship of documents to each phase of construction, and an overview of the Construction Specifications Institute's (CSI) 16 divisions. At the conclusion of the course, students will have gained the proficiency necessary to pass the Construction Documents Technologist (CDT) certification exam given by the CSI. | 2 | $235.80 |
BCT1743 | Building Construction Law | A study of the legal aspects of construction contracts and the responsibilities arising particularly from the field operations. Also includes the relationship of the general contractor to owner, architect, and subcontractor; mechanics lien law; bonds; labor law; and other statutes and ordinances regulating contractors. | 3 | $353.70 |
BCT1770 | Construction Estimating I | Analysis and determination of building construction costs. Commences with the classification of materials, labor, and subcontracted work into the smallest manageable units. Development of a simple estimate for a residential structure. | 2 | $235.80 |
BCT2040 | MEP Plans Interpretation | This course is designed to develop the student’s ability to quickly interpret working drawings. Emphasis is on mechanical, electrical, and plumbing plans, details, and specifications. | 2 | $235.80 |
BCT2710 | Infrastructure Coordination | This course provides the student with an overview of the various agencies related to project infrastructure. Special emphasis is on the need for and the manner of coordinating with these agencies. Students will receive exposure to the variety of permits, learn to interface with the agencies in order to coordinate the permit process and understand how this coordinates with the project. | 2 | $235.80 |
BCT2720C | Construction Scheduling | The orderly flow of steps from start to finish in a construction project. Basic concepts and techniques of the PERT And CPM methods of network planning and scheduling will be covered. The course will develop the skills necessary to successfully apply the Critical Path Method to the construction industry and answer the critical path problems found on the state certification exam. | 3 | $353.70 |
BCT2760 | Building Codes And Regulations | A rigorous review and study of the Florida Building Code as it applies to structures and safety. For professionals employed as inspectors, architects, engineers, and contractors. | 3 | $353.70 |
BRC2001 | Introduction to Financial Institutions | This course is designed to provide an introduction to financial institutions, with a focus on banks, and the services offered by those institutions. Topics will include the history and evolution of the American financial system; the different types of financial institutions; the basic functions of financial institutions; the core products and services offered by financial institutions in America; security and fraud detection; and principles of personal, commercial, and mortgage lending. | 3 | $353.70 |
CAP2760C | Intro to Data Analysis | This course teaches how to use data to analyze all aspects of a company's operation and make appropriate business decisions. It focuses on Web-oriented data, and methods for analyzing data in order to create appropriate dashboards, reports, and solutions. Practice will also be provided to thoroughly prepare students for the CIW Data Analyst certification exam. | 3 | $353.70 |
CGS1510C | Excel for Data Analysis | This course will give students the capability to learn the correct application of the principle features of Excel including creating and editing a workbook with multiple sheets, using a graphic element to represent data visually, creating and using workbook examples including professional- looking budgets, financial statements, team performance charts, sales invoices, and data-entry logs. | 3 | $353.70 |
CGS1540C | Microsoft Access | This course covers the ability to create and maintain Access Database objects including tables, relationships, data entry forms, multilevel reports, and multi-table queries. Practice will also be provided to thoroughly prepare students for the Microsoft Access certification exam. | 3 | $353.70 |
COP1700C | Intro to DB Design & MySQL | This course gives students an introduction to MySQL. Students will learn the design and creation of Object-Oriented Databases (using MySQL). Topics will include storing, retrieving, updating, and displaying data using MySQL from Oracle. | 3 | $353.70 |
COP2071C | SQL Fundamentals | This course provides a basis for students to implement the core principles and tools of a relational database. This combination of knowledge and skills will allow students to create tables, manage data within those tables, and write SQL queries derived from data stored in relational databases. Practice will also be provided to thoroughly prepare students for the Oracle certification exam SQL Fundamentals 1Z0-061. | 4 | $471.60 |
CTS1214C | Project Management Applications | In this course, students will learn to manage project resources, task assignments, and scheduling using industry-relevant application tools in support of workforce skills, They will also learn best practices and techniques used to track and manage projects. The course covers a combination of applications, including waterfall, and agile project management environments. | 3 | $353.70 |
CTS3859C | CIW E-Commerce Specialist | This is a comprehensive course teaching students how to conduct business online and manage the technical issues associated with constructing an e-commerce Web site. Topics include designing and implementing commerce- driven Web sites; identifying the similarities and differences between traditional and electronic commerce, exploring e-commerce technologies at various levels of sophistication, and constructing a fully functional e-commerce website using skills taught in this and previous classes. This course helps prepare students for the CIW E-Commerce Strategies and Practices certification exam. | 4 | $471.60 |
EDF4430 | Educational Tests and Measurements | This course helps pre-professional teachers develop a philosophy of assessment; understand how various measures combine to create a picture of student progress; and acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to assess students using traditional and alternative assessment methods. Topics include measurement, formative and summative assessments, performance assessments, test construction, data interpretation, and accommodations and/or adaptations for diverse learners. | 3 | $353.70 |
EDG4410 | Classroom Management | This course provides an overview of effective classroom management in the K-12 classroom. It provides educators with tools on how to plan for a successful school year. It equips teachers with a solid foundation in classroom management as it relates to theories, data, communication, diverse settings, standardized assessments, standards, ethics, and relationship building. | 3 | $353.70 |
EDP4004 | Principles of Educational Psychology | This course provides a foundation in educational psychology and its application to classroom settings. Special emphasis is placed on development, learning theory, intelligence, motivation, memory, higher-order thinking, diversity, and instructional and assessment strategies. | 3 | $353.70 |
EEX 4843 | ESE Practicum Teaching Exceptional Learners Practicum | This course addresses the characteristics and educational needs of all types of exceptional learners. It is designed to prepare pre-professional educators for the student teaching internship. Pre-professional educators work directly with classroom teachers and have opportunities to teach both large and small group activities. This course is designed to develop the competencies relative to program planning, instruction, daily scheduling, record keeping, evaluation, classroom management, reporting to parents, professional organizations, and teacher ethics. Students will complete a minimum of 60 hours of school-based field experience in the K-12 setting working with students with disabilities under the supervision of an ESE Teacher. These hours are beyond the required 48 remote contact hours. | 3 | $353.70 |
FIN2100 | Personal Finance | This course provides a survey of the areas of personal economic problems with which all individuals must contend. Course content guides each person towards receiving favorable results in the following areas: buying on credit, borrowing money, using bank services, and investing savings; selecting from various types of insurance coverage; home ownership vs. renting; obtaining investment information, investing in stocks and bonds; income taxes; Social Security; Medicare, retirement planning and annuities; and estate planning, wills, and trusts. | 3 | $353.70 |
GEB1011 | Into to Business | This course provides a basic study of business activity and how it relates to our economic society. Topics covered include how businesses are owned, organized, managed and controlled Course content emphasizes business vocabulary, areas of business specialization, and career opportunities. | 3 | $353.70 |
GEB2112 | Entrepreneurship | This course explores the process, skills, and attitudes that enable individuals to recognize and seize opportunities, converting them into workable ideas capable of competing for implementation in today's economy. It identifies and reviews important business concepts such as; value creation, products/services, business plans, marketing plans, selling, advertising, human resources, management policies, financial statements, accounting systems, capital management, information technologies, and risk management. It also explores ethical, legal, and tax issues associated with business creation and operations. | 3 | $353.70 |
GEB2949 | Co-Op Work Experience (Business) | A course designed to provide training in a student's field of study through work experience. Students are graded on the basis of documentation of learning acquired as reported by the student and employer. Prerequisite: Co-Op Department approval. Students will be assigned specific course prefixes related to their academic major prior to registration. All students must contact the Cooperative Education Office to obtain registration approval. | 3 | $353.70 |
HFT1050 | Intro to Hospitality & Tourism Management | This course provides a survey of the history, organization, problems, opportunities, and future trends in the areas which comprise the travel and tourism industries. Emphasis is placed on the economic benefits and social implications of tourism. This course is beneficial to the purchaser of tourism services as well as the marketer. | 3 | $353.70 |
HFT2220 | Organization and Personnel Management | This course covers the organization, supervision, and direction of operations in the hospitality/ restaurant/travel industries. It analyzes the internal organizational structure and its administrative roles and functions. The course considers techniques of employee training, promotions, job specifications, discipline, and morale. The course borrows from the behavioral sciences by emphasizing the human dimensions of management. | 3 | $353.70 |
HFT2250 | Hotel Management | This course provides a study of the growth and progress of the hotel industry and how hotels are developed, organized, financed, and operated. | 3 | $353.70 |
HFT2410 | Front Office Systems and Procedures | This course provides basic training in front office procedures and focuses on the rooms division of a hotel: front office, housekeeping, guest service, engineering, and security/loss prevention. | 3 | $353.70 |
HFT2460 | Financial Management | A study of accounting systems for the hospitality/ restaurant/travel industries with an emphasis on operating statistics and financial reports. The utilization of financial statements by management is studied. | 3 | $353.70 |
HFT2500 | Marketing | This course emphasizes how to sell and promote the services the hospitality/restaurant/travel industries offer guests. It covers the development of business through personal selling, media advertising, and publicity. In addition, the operations of a sales and convention department are studied | 3 | $353.70 |
HFT2511 | Convention and Group Business Marketing Management | This course covers the functions of the convention organizer and tour wholesaler in relation to the suppliers of travel and hospitality services. The responsibilities of each organization in the marketing of facilities and activities to organizers, retailers, and/or consumers are emphasized. | 3 | $353.70 |
HFT2600 | Hospitality Law | This course provides a study of the nature and function of our legal system as applied to hospitality, restaurant, and travel operations. Operator/guest relationships, contracts, torts, civil rights, and insurable risks are emphasized. | 3 | $353.70 |
HSA2810 | Practicum in Health Facility Administration | The Health Services Management practicum course is designed to provide practical field experience knowledge. The course consists of 204 hours, 120 hours will be dedicated to internship and 84 hours Broward College Catalog 2021-2022 274 will be dedicated to coursework. | 6 | $707.40 |
HSC1531 | Medical Terminology | HSC 1531 provides a broad survey of the language of medicine and health technologies. Emphasis is placed primarily on the building of medical terms from word parts. The course is intended to be the foundation of a working medical vocabulary for individuals preparing for careers in both the health professions and other areas in which this knowledge is essential. | 3 | $353.70 |
HUS1801 | Human Services Practicum 1 | This course provides the first of two hands-on field experiences for students pursuing an associate's degree in Human Services. The purpose of this course is to help prepare students for careers in the field. This practicum is a non-paid opportunity to work with local agencies and institutions related to human services. Professors assigned to the course will maintain contact with site supervisors to provide students with appropriate training and feedback. Students will meet weekly with professors to track progress. Upon successful completion of this course, students may move on to HUS2801. | 3 | $353.70 |
HUS2801 | Human Services Practicum 2 | This course is a continuation of the practicum for the Human Services student. This is the second of two required practicum courses within the Human Services AS degree. The course serves as a scheduled work experience, without remuneration, which helps the student bridge the gap between classroom and workplace. This opportunity is designed to prepare students to become entry-level human service practitioners. The practicum is an intensive field experience in human services and community agencies. Students continue to learn from observations and hands-on experience. | 2 | $235.80 |
ISM2410C | Analyzing and Visualizing Data with Power BI | This course will enable students to maximize the value of their data assets by using Power BI. Students will design and build scalable data models, clean and transform data, and enable advanced analytic capabilities that provide meaningful business value through easy-to-comprehend data visualizations. Students will also gain a fundamental understanding of data repositories and data processing both on-premises and in the cloud. Practice will also be provided to thoroughly prepare students for a Microsoft Certification Exam in Power Reporting. | 4 | $471.60 |
ISM3013C | Inform Systems Management | This course introduces fundamental concepts of information systems and will explore approaches to managing technology. This course will equip students with applied knowledge of management information systems for use in supporting business decisions. A focus will be provided on the application of IT service management best practices, enabling students to look at IT service management through an end-to-end operating model for the creation, delivery, and continual improvement of tech-enabled products and services. | 3 | $353.70 |
ISM3054C | Web Systems & Technologies | This course covers the design, implementation, and testing of web-based applications including related software, databases, interfaces, and digital media. It also covers social, ethical, and security issues arising from the web and social software. | 3 | $353.70 |
ISM3139C | Adv Data Vizualization with Excel | This course will give students the ability to add BI techniques to Excel data analysis. The course goes beyond the capabilities of tables and charts and uses Pivot Charts, the Excel Data Model, and Power BI. Practice will also be provided to thoroughly prepare students for the Microsoft MCSA certification exam Analyzing Data with Excel 70-779. | 4 | $471.60 |
ISM3212C | Database Management | This course provides the foundational concepts of Broward College Catalog 2021-2022 285 database design; conceptual, logical, and physical phases. In this course, you will create relational databases, write SQL statements to extract information to satisfy business reporting requests create entity relationship diagrams (ERDs) to design databases, and analyze table designs for excessive redundancy. | 3 | $353.70 |
ISM3309C | Agile Product Ownership | This course will cover value-driven software delivery, the accompanying mindset, and key agile practices designed to emphasize customer value. It also looks at creating organizational and team environments conducive to frequent and transparent collaboration between the business and development teams. A focus will be provided on the International Consortium for Agile (ICAgile) content domains for the Agile Product Ownership professional certification. | 4 | $471.60 |
ISM3545C | Data Analytics Technology | This course is designed to introduce students to fundamental data concepts such as the difference between data and information, big data, and the process of manipulating and analyzing data through the use of statistics. It covers current topics relating to big data and explains how organizations use data to add value. | 3 | $353.70 |
ISM4210C | Applied Data Manipulation | In this course, students extract data from a wide variety of data sources, such as files and relational data sources, perform data integration and transformation solutions, and load data into single or multiple destinations including data warehouses. Students will solve data integration business problems using best practices and troubleshooting techniques. | 3 | $353.70 |
ISM4415C | Applied Data Reporting | This course provides intermediate-level concepts and procedures for data manipulation and visualization. Using data visualization software, students will create various chart types and visualizations, use calculations for the purpose of data manipulation, use parameters to control data values, create visualizations using geo-mapping techniques, combine data sources for blending and prepare data for analysis. | 4 | $471.60 |
ISM4547C | Data Analytics Management | This course provides students with an understanding of data extraction and interpretation and their roles in creating business value. Topics covered include data quality, data visualization and exploration, and data structures and information policies. The course covers a variety of tools used for data analysis and gives the student an understanding of how to obtain, manipulate, and interpret data using current software and techniques. | 3 | $353.70 |
MAN2604 | International Business Environment | A basic course in international business theory and practice focusing on the challenges of managing the operations of an international business in diverse legal, political, economic, and cultural environments. Emphasis is placed on strategic planning and decision-making for the international operations of domestic, foreign, and multinational corporations. | 3 | $353.70 |
MAN3303 | Management & Leadership | This course teaches students the basic concepts, principles, and techniques of business leadership. Emphasis is on developing a solid leadership foundation while centering on the real themes, demands, and opportunities of an evolving and dynamic business workplace. The course incorporates basic leadership skill development as it relates to the core aspects of management practice. | 3 | $353.70 |
MKA1021 | Salesmanship | Through a combination of principles and techniques, this course identifies the why, what, how, and when of selling. Students develop skills in prospecting, opening the sale, presenting customer benefits, overcoming objections, and closing the sale. Students will prepare an oral sales presentation based on the selected criteria of the professor. Note: the DECA Sales Representative contest may be used as an example. | 3 | $353.70 |
MNA1161 | Intro to Customer Service | This course provides the student with the basic concepts and current trends in the customer service industry. Through actual case studies, the students analyze organizations that have implemented successful customer service strategies. | 3 | $353.70 |
MNA2345 | Principles of Supervision | This course provides an overview of the fundamentals of supervision and the management of people. It emphasizes the role of supervision in business organizations by focusing on supervisory processes; examining functions of planning, organizing, staffing, directing, and controlling and their relationships to the daily responsibilities of the supervisor. | 3 | $353.70 |
MTE1004C | Introduction to Marine Technology | The course provides the student with the basic skill needed in repairing the marine engine. Hands-on training includes safety rules and regulations; use of tools, identification of fasteners, gaskets, and seals; use of parts and electrical symbols for wiring diagrams. | 3 | $353.70 |
MTE1400C | Marine Electricity | Basic electrical theory for both AC and DC circuits in marine systems. Application of electrical theory to the generating, starting, and auxiliary circuits of the marine engine. Emphasis on the theory of operation and repair of equipment in the field with special attention to marine problems in salt-water environments. | 3 | $353.70 |
OPT1330 | Orientation to Vision Care | This course reviews the techniques needed in a clinical environment for the collection of patient case history, visual acuity, basic visual skills ocular motility and accommodation, color discrimination, depth perception, and binocular fusion. Medical terminology and Health Core standards are reviewed. | 2 | $235.80 |
OPT2090 | Orientation to Vision Care Lab | This course provides an introduction to the Broward College Vision Care Clinic. Students will apply technical skills acquired in previous coursework. Recording of clinical data, administrative procedures, and techniques in patient handling under the close supervision of clinic instructors and 5th-semester students. Perform pre-testing ocular health evaluations in a clinical setting. | 2 | $235.80 |
OPT2420L | Eyewear Fabrication I Lab | In this laboratory course, students will gain practical experience in ophthalmic surfacing and finishing procedures. Students will fabricate single vision and multifocal lenses: use lensometers and lens clocks: operate project-o-markers for lens layout: select or fabricate frame patterns: and utilize several systems for surfacing and edging lenses for ophthalmic frames. | 2 | $235.80 |
OPT2421L | Eyewear Fabrication II Lab | Laboratory for OPT2421. Students will fabricate eyewear for the patients of the Vision Care Clinic using advanced techniques in measurement, fabrication, and verification of single vision and Broward College Catalog 2021-2022 382 multifocal lenses. Advanced techniques in the operation and maintenance of manual and computerized equipment. | 2 | $235.80 |
OPT2460 | Ophthalmic Dispensing Clinic I | Development of skills in the fitting and dispensing of ophthalmic lenses. Students will work under the close supervision of clinical staff in dispensing glasses to patients of the Vision Care Clinic. Emphasis will be placed on techniques used to dispense new technology in ophthalmic frame materials; multifocal lenses including progressive power and occupational bifocals; and high index lenses. The process of analyzing the patient's prescription and identifying the patient's specific visual needs for proper frame and lens selection is highlighted. | 2 | $235.80 |
OPT2461 | Ophthalmic Dispensing Clinic II | This is a continuation of OPT2460. It involves advanced skills in the fitting and dispensing of ophthalmic lenses. Students will work under the supervision of clinical staff in dispensing glasses to patients of the Vision Care Clinic. Students will practice advanced techniques used to dispense new technology in ophthalmic frame materials, multifocal lenses including progressive power and occupational bifocals, high index lenses, and low vision devices. | 2 | $235.80 |
OPT2875 | Ophthalmic Dispensing Practicum I | This is an externship in an approved ophthalmic practice with a retail dispensing optical. The student will gain a working knowledge of ophthalmic frame, lens stock, inventory system, layout and blocking, chemical and heat treating, edging, surfacing, tinting, retail sells, dispensing, assembly, and alignment of eyewear according to the written prescription. Students are placed for 16 weeks to gain outside externship experience under the tutelage of a Florida Licensed Dispensing Optician. The site preceptor and course professor will work closely to ensure student success. | 2 | $235.80 |
OPT2876 I | Ophthalmic Dispensing Practicum II | This is the second phase of the student externship in an approved retail ophthalmic dispensing establishment involving frame styling, ordering of appropriately designed lenses, adjustment, repair, and dispensing of eyewear. The student will gain a working knowledge of administrative management procedures of the practice. | 2 | $235.80 |
OST1100C | Keyboarding & Document Processing I | This course offers an introduction to the keyboard with the development of fundamental techniques, skill development, and business correspondence and document processing. | 3 | $353.70 |
OST1103C | Basic Keyboarding | This course offers an introduction to the keyboard with the development of fundamental techniques. | 1 | $117.90 |
OST1257C | Med Term Admin Asst | This course is designed to provide the student with an extensive study of medical terminology used in the various areas of the healthcare industry. Emphasis is placed on the building of medical terms from word parts. | 3 | $353.70 |
OST1330 | Business English | This course provides a refresher course in punctuation and capitalization. | 1 | $117.90 |
OST1335 | Records Management | Students will act as records managers in a simulated office utilizing computerized and paper management of records from planning, creation, filing, and retrieving to disposal according to ARMA principles. The student will learn and work with the basic legal requirements (such as the Privacy Act and Freedom of Information Act) for the release and safekeeping of information and the laws and regulations regarding the management of such records. | 3 | $353.70 |
OST2053 | Successful Job Search | This course presents a hands-on, interactive study of interview and employability skills and focuses on the keys to career success. | 1 | $117.90 |
OST2335 | Communications in the Workforce | This course is designed to help students communicate more effectively. Students will practice analyzing, planning, managing, and executing both written and oral presentations. Special focus includes grammar and all types of business documents to ensure appropriate content and structure. | 3 | $353.70 |
OST2455C | Medical Billing & Coding I | This course provides advanced skills needed to work in a variety of medical billing and coding positions in the medical field. An in-depth study of the various areas of medical billing/coding, workers' compensation, reimbursement, and appeal are presented. | 3 | $353.70 |
OST2501 | Office Management | This course is a study of the skills needed by the office professional in the workforce. It includes technology, diversity, teamwork, and the changing skills demanded in the workforce. The efficient handling of office matters, such as scheduling appointments, customer/client relations, managing office operations, processing mail and correspondence, communication, email etiquette, and effectiveness, coordinating meetings/travel, and planning and managing an event budget. | 3 | $353.70 |
SPC1608 | Introduction to Public Speaking | This course is designed to provide students with fundamental training and practical experience for speaking in public, business, and professional situations. Topics include: audience analysis, speech anxiety, critical listening, and preparation and delivery of speeches in various cultural contexts. Students will also learn to effectively incorporate audio and visual aids/ technologies for effective speeches. This is an international/intercultural competency course. | 3 | $353.70 |
TPA1290L | Technical Theater Lab I | Participation as a technician in the dramatic and musical productions of the college. May be repeated four times for credit. The instructor's permission is required for enrollment. | 1 | $117.90 |
TPA1291L | Technical Theatre Lab II | Participation as a technician in the Dramatic and Musical productions of the college. May be repeated two times for credit. The instructor's permission is required for enrollment. | 1 | $117.90 |
TPA1292L | Technical Theatre Lab III | Participation as a technician in the Dramatic and Musical productions of the college. May be repeated two times for credit. The instructor's permission is required for enrollment. |
3 | $353.70 |
TPA2000C | Introduction to Theatre Design | An introduction to the techniques, practices, and processes in scenic, lighting, costume, and sound design. The course includes a period styles overview, script analysis, and a survey of appropriate paperwork required by each area. | 3 | $353.70 |
TPA2200C | Stagecraft | An investigation of the principles of stagecraft, lighting, props, and set construction. | 3 | $353.70 |
TPA2220 | Introduction to Stage Lighting | Historical background of theatrical lighting technology and design and an introduction to the tools and concepts used by the lighting technician from primitive equipment to the modern computer system. | 3 | $353.70 |
To see if you qualify for the Prior Learning Assessment, students interested in this option should complete the Prior Learning Assessment form. Once we receive your request you will be contacted by a Credit for Prior Learning Coach that will walk you through the steps (requirement, fees, and next steps).
Continuing Students, contact your Academic Advisor
The deadline to submit your application for the Fall 2024-1 term is October 18, 2023.
The deadline to submit your application for Spring 2024-2 term is March 16, 2024.
Prior Learning Assessment is not available during Summer.
Once it has been determined for which course(s) students can assess, the student must pay an assessment fee to be collected by the College cashier. The Prior Learning Assessment fee is $30 per credit hour (See Policy 6Hx2-6.13).
Continuing Students, contact your Academic Advisor
The deadline to submit your application for the Fall 2024-1 term is October 18, 2023.
The deadline to submit your application for Spring 2024-2 term is March 16, 2024.
Prior Learning Assessment is not available during Summer.
To be granted credit, the student must receive satisfactory scores (i.e. regular standards for a passing grade) on all tests required for assessment for a course for which credit is being requested.
Prior Learning credits appear on student transcripts as "CR." Letter grades are not awarded for Prior Learning. Credits earned through Prior Learning satisfy graduation requirements but may not be accepted as transfer credits at another institution. Students planning to transfer to other institutions should contact the college or university to determine if Prior Learning credits are accepted.
Continuing Students, contact your Academic Advisor
The deadline to submit your application for the Fall 2024-1 term is October 18, 2023.
The deadline to submit your application for Spring 2024-2 term is March 16, 2024.
Prior Learning Assessment is not available during Summer.
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