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Train, Credential and Retain Your Staff
Earn your Digital Badge by Broward College.
Strengthen your credibility with digital badges, through rapid career training programs.
Badges helps employers hire faster and reduce risk and consequences of hiring someone that is not the best fit.
Learn More - Digital Badge
Digital Badges, Digital Certificates and Certifications
Example micro-credentialing program
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Micro Credentials can:
Join Broward College as a valued employer partner. We can design credential(s) specifically for your organization in three easy phases:
I nterested in learning more about Micro-Credentialing, please contact us at
Satisfied Employer Partners:
Step 1: Select and Enroll in a Micro-Credential course.
Step 2: Complete Requirements and receive Micro-Credential.
Step 3: Earn your Badge.
Step 4: Share your Micro-Credential & Digital Badge on: LinkedIn and other social media platforms, Resume, embed in your e-mail signature.
Collection includes: Youth badges, Corporations customized badges, Workforce Certification, Soft Skills badge.
Example credential collections
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The anatomy of a digital badge has metadata (information) embedded which serves as a digital representation of verifiable skills earned.
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