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Accessibility Options: Skip to Content Skip to Search Skip to Footer Institutional Accessibility Open Alternative Formats for this page
Step 1: Confirm you are registered as a home school student in Broward County. You may contact the Home Education Office in Broward County at if you have any questions.
Step 2: Submit a Broward College application. Students may use the Guide to Apply.
Please ensure you know your BC username (email) and password as you will need them to log in to your myBC account.
(Continuing dual enrollment and early admission students may skip to step 5.)
Step 3: If you are a NEW student and need to take the Common Placement Test:
Step 4: Confirm you meet the eligibility requirements for enrollment with college-level test scores in all three areas. Home school students are not required to provide proof of GPA.
Step 5: Complete the Recommendation and Articulation Agreement for Dual Enrollment Home School Students form online.
Students should click on the link below for the form that corresponds to the term they will be enrolling. A form must be filled out each term of enrollment.
You will need your BC username (email) and password to log in to your BC One Access Account to complete this form.
Note: If you are a NEW student, you will need to log in to your BC One Access Account and set up your account and security questions BEFORE you will be able to access the online form.
Step 6: Your form will be routed to your parent/legal guardian. The parent/legal guardian will complete and sign the Recommendation and Articulation Agreement for Dual Enrollment Home School Students form.
Once the form has been signed by the parent/legal guardian, the form will be routed to the Broward County Public Schools District Home Education Office for certification that the student is registered and in compliance as a home school student in Broward County.
After the home education office has signed the form, it will be routed to Broward College for review and approval.
You can view where your form is in the approval process by following the below steps:
Step 7: Log in to your BC One Access account and register for your courses. You can find the first day of registration for DE students on the Academic Calendar. Access the Steps to Register (PDF) document for assistance.
Note: Dual Enrollment students can take any courses within their credit limits on the DE-approved course list as long as the student has met placement and all course prerequisites.
Step 8: It is time to get your books. About three weeks before the term begins, books will be available to order online for pick up or you may go to the bookstore to obtain your books. Books can no longer be shipped to your home. Visit the Bookstore site for hours of operation.
You are not responsible for the cost of your textbooks. Follow these instructions on how to order your books online for pickup.
Step 9 (if needed): If you are receiving any kind of disability services, these services do not automatically transfer to BC when you become a student. You will need to visit the Accessibility Resources Office and work with an advisor to determine if those same services can be provided here at Broward College.
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