Spring 2024 Ensemble Auditions

All current and new music majors who have completed their initial audition into the program, as well as non-music majors, must audition for an ensemble course separately if indicated to do so below. For the ensembles that require it, an audition is mandatory at the beginning of each semester.


Chamber Ensemble (MUN1460C)

Audition Details: Audition by appointment only. Prepare your part of a collaborative composition. If not available, you can play a solo piece.

Contact: Dr. Jure Rozman, Music Program Coordinator


Request Audition

Choral Society - Day Choir (MUN1380C)

Class Details: Mon/Wed 11 a.m. - 12:15 p.m. 

Audition Details: Audition is required for non-voice majors on the first day of class. No audition is required for voice majors to take the course. Students can self-enroll. 

Contact: Dr. Brock Burbach, Director of Choral and Vocal Activities

Register for Course

Choral Society - Night Choir (MUN1380C)

Class Details: Tuesdays 6 p.m. - 8:50 p.m. 

Audition Details: No audition is required. Students can self-enroll. 

Contact: Dr. Brock Burbach, Director of Choral and Vocal Activities

Register for Course

Classical Guitar Ensemble (MUN1480C)

Audition Details: No audition is required to take the course; students can self-enroll. Student skill level will be assessed on the first day of class.

Register for Course

Jazz Guitar Ensemble (MUN1481C)

Audition Details: No audition is required to take the course; students can self-enroll. Student skill level will be assessed on the first day of class.

Contact: Professor Fernando Ulibarri, Ensemble Director

Register for Course

Big Band & Jazz Combo (MUN1780C & MUN1711)

Audition Details: Audition Required. Please view the audition music and guidelines and practice the assigned music for your principal instrument.

Spring 2024 Auditions:

Tuesday, January 9, 2024 from 9 - 10 a.m. 

Central Campus Building 4 Room 139, Professor Dunkley's Office

Virtual auditions available if needed on an individual basis. To schedule a virtual audition, contact Professor Dunkley directly. 

Contact: Professor Waldron Dunkley, Jr., Director of Jazz Studies (wdunkley@broward.edu)

Request Audition

Percussion Ensemble (MUN1440C)

Audition Details: No audition is required to take the course; students can self-enroll. Student skill level will be assessed on the first day of class.

Contact: Professor Jason Furman, Ensemble Director

Register for Course

Select Choir (MUN1340C)

Audition Details: Audition required. Students should prepare a song to sing, an accompanist will be provided. Students should also prepare to sight-read an unknown melody showing their ability to read music at a college level.

Contact: Dr. Brock Burbach, Director of Choral and Vocal Activities

Request Audition

Symphonic Band (MUN1120)

Audition Details: Audition required. To take the course, students can self-enroll. Audition instructions will be provided after ensemble audition registration below.

Contact: Professor Neil Jenkins, Ensemble Director

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Symphony Orchestra (MUN1280C)

Audition Details: Audition required. Prepare two contrasting selections (slow/lyrical and fast/technical) totaling 5 minutes of prepared music. These selections can be solo repertoire or etudes and should represent your highest level of performance. No orchestra excerpts are required. Further audition information will be provided after ensemble audition registration below.

Contact: Professor Terence Kirchgessner, Ensemble Director

Request Audition


Have Questions? We Can help!

If you are looking to take music classes and have further questions, please contact us using the EMAIL US button or by calling 954-201-6843.